6th international dCache workshop, Second Bulletin

Dear all,

We are excited to announce the 6th international dCache workshop, organized by the German dCache support group in close collaboration with dCache.org and this years local organizers, the DESY Zeuthen storage team.

The core workshop will start the 18th of April in the morning and will end about noon the next day (19th of April). It will be held in Berlin.

A dCache beginners tutorial is planned for the afternoon of the 17th if a sufficient number of people is interested.

Details on accommodation, location, the final agenda as well as a link to the registration pages will be made available within the next days.

As usual, we will offer a mixture of presentations and hands-on sessions covering

This year we added two new workshop sections : And last but not least: lots of food and discussions.

In addition, we are of course very interested in suggestions on topics you would like to learn more about or you would like to discuss with your colleagues.

Drop us an e-mail if you have suggestions, requests or comments. (workshop at dcache dot org)

Best regards
Doris and Patrick for the organizing team.