Point a web browser to your dCache webpage at
. On
the bottom you find the link to Statistics
The statistics data needs to be collected for a day before it will appear on the web page.
You will get an error if you try to read the statistics web
page right after you enabled the statistics
as the web
page has not yet been created.
Create data and the web page by logging in to the admin interface and running the commands create stat and create html.
(local) admin >
cd PoolStatistics@<httpdDomain>(PoolStatistics@)<httpdDomain> admin >
create stat Thread started for internal run(PoolStatistics@)<httpdDomain> admin >
create html java.lang.NullPointerException
Now you can see a statistics web page.
Statistics is calculated once per hour at
. The daily
stuff is calculated at 23:55
. Without
manual intervention, it takes two midnights before all HTML
statistics pages are available. There is a way to get this
done after just one midnight. After the first midnight
following the first startup of the statistics module, log into
the PoolStatistics
cell and run the following commands in the
given sequence. The specified date has to be the
Year/Month/Day of today.
(PoolStatistics@)<httpdDomain> admin >
create html <YYYY> <MM> <DD> done(PoolStatistics@)<httpdDomain> admin >
create html <YYYY> <MM> done(PoolStatistics@)<httpdDomain> admin >
create html <YYYY> done(PoolStatistics@)<httpdDomain> admin >
create html done
You will see an empty statistics page at
On the Statistics Help Page
you find an explanation for the colors.