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Chapter 17. dCache Webadmin Interface

Table of Contents


This part describes how to configure the webadmin service which runs inside the httpdDomain and offers additional features to admins like sending admin-commands equal to those of admin interface (CLI) to chosen cells or displaying billing plots.

For authentication and authorisation it offers usage of username/password (currently the kpwd-Plugin) or grid certificate talking to gPlazma2. It also offers a non-authenticated read-only mode.

If you are logged in as admin it is possible to send a command to multiple pools or a whole poolgroup in one go. It is even possible to send a command to any dCache cell. Also, there is information like their size, their id and used space on linkgroups and spacetokens available.

From the technical point of view the webadmin service uses a Jetty-Server which is embedded in an ordinary httpd cell. It is using apache-wicket (a webfrontend-framework) and YAML (a CSS-Template Framework).