On small systems it should never be a problem to use one single
PostgreSQL server for all the functions listed above. In the
standard installation, the ReplicaManager
is not activated
by default. The billing
will only write to a file by
Whenever the PostgreSQL server is going to be used for another
functionality, the impact on performance should be checked
carefully. To improve the performance, the functionality should
be installed on a separate host. Generally, a PostgreSQL server for
a specific funcionality should be on the same host as the
dCache cell accessing that PostgreSQL server, and the PostgreSQL
server containing the databases for Chimera should run on the
same host as Chimera and the PnfsManager
cell of the
dCache system accessing it.
It is especially useful to use a separate PostgreSQL server for the
The following is work-in-progress.
Create PostgreSQL user with the name you will be using to run pnfs
Make sure it has CREATEDB
[user] $
psql -U postgres template1 -c "CREATE USER johndoe with CREATEDB"
[user] $
dropuser pnfsserver
[user] $
createuser --no-adduser --createdb --pwprompt pnfsserver
Table 24.1. Protocol Overview
Component | Database Host | Database Name | Database User | Database Password |
SRM | srm.db.host or if not set: srmDbHost or if not set: localhost | dcache | srmdcache | srmdcache |
pin manag | pinManagerDatabaseHost or if not set: srmDbHost or if not set: localhost | dcache | srmdcache | srmdcache |
ReplicaManager | replica.db.host or if not set: localhost | replicas | srmdcache | srmdcache |
pnfs server | localhost | admin, data1, exp0, ... | pnfsserver | --free-- |
billing | billingDatabaseHost or if not set: localhost | billing | srmdcache | srmdcache |