migration info — Shows detailed information about a migration job.
migration info
Shows detailed information about a migration job. Possible job states are:
Initial scan of repository
Job runs (schedules new tasks)
A task failed; no tasks are scheduled for 10 seconds
Pause expression evaluates to true; no tasks are scheduled for 10 seconds.
Stop expression evaluated to true; waiting for tasks to stop.
Job suspended by user; no tasks are scheduled
Job cancelled by user; waiting for tasks to stop
Job cancelled by user; no tasks are running
Job completed
Job failed. Please check the log file for details.
Job tasks may be in any of the following states:
Queued for execution
Querying PnfsManager for file locations
Updating the state of existing target file
Task cancelled, waiting for update to complete
Request send to target, waiting for confirmation
Waiting for target to complete the transfer
Ping send to target, waiting for reply
Cell connection to target lost
Waiting for final confirmation from target
Waiting for pin manager to move pin
Attempting to cancel transfer
Task cancelled, file was not copied
The task failed
The task completed successfully