XChanging Pnfs Databases

It might become necessary to move a complete pnfs system to a different host or just to exchange databases among different pnfs systems. Various restrictions apply to these two actions.

Moving the complete system


The same gdbm library must be running on both hosts. This mainly means that the OS must be complatible and the endianess must be identical.

How to ...

As long as the directory structure is identical the following directories/files have to be moved or created : If parts of the directory structure differs from the source machine some adjustments need to be made.
Files or directories which are listed in /usr/etc/pnfsSetup only have to be modified within this file if there new location differs from the old ones.
If a database file gets a new location the corresponding link $database/D-xxxx has to be modified. After all D* files contain the correct destination the $database/databases files has to be removed and 'mdb enable admin' needs to be called to recreate the $database/databases file again.

Moving single databases

Exchanging databases between different pnfs systems has never been forseen, so there are no 'ready to use' tools available for such an event. But under certain circustances an exchange is possible.


How to ...

What is needed from the source pnfs system ?
You need the pnfsId of the top directory within the database which will be moved.
Theoretically it's possible that there is more than one topdirectory. This depends on how offen the command mkdir .(<databaseId>)(<dirName>) has been used in conjunction with the concerning database. If there is more than one, the procedure has to be repeated for each of them.
Copy the databasefile to the new machine/location and make it known to the destination pnfs system