Table of Contents
This part describes how to configure the Webadmin
-interface which
is a replacement for the old httpd
-service and offers additional
features to admins like sending admin-commands equal to those of admin
to chosen cells.
The Webadmin
-interface receives the information from
dCache info
service as XML which are parsed and presented. For authentication and
authorisation it offers usage of username/password (currently KAuth-File) or
grid-certificates talking to gPlazma
. It also offers a non-authenticated,
read-only mode.
If you are logged in as admin it is possible to send a command to multiple pools or a whole poolgroup in one go. It is even possible to send a command to any dCache-Cell.
From the technical point of view the Webadmin
-interface uses a Jetty-Server which is embedded in an ordinary dCache-cell.
It is using apache-wicket (a webfrontend-framework) and YAML (a CSS-Template Framework).
The application is wired up by a Spring IOC-Container.