There are many client tools for dCache. These can most easily be classified by communication protocol.
dCache provides a GSI-FTP door, which is in effect a GSI authenticated FTP access point to dCache
Listing a directory
To list the content of a dCache directory, the GSI-FTP protocol can be used;
edg-gridftp-ls gsiftp://dcache.example.org/pnfs/example.org/data/dteam/
Checking a file exists
To check the existence of a file with GSI-FTP.
edg-gridftp-exists gsiftp://dcache.example.org/pnfs/example.org/data/dteam/filler_test20050819130209790873000
echo $?
edg-gridftp-exists gsiftp://dcache.example.org/pnfs/example.org/data/dteam/filler_test200508191302097908730002
|error the server sent an error response: 451 451 /pnfs/example.org/data/dteam/filler_test200508191302097908730002 not found
echo $?
Use the return code
Please note the
echo $?
show the return code of the last run application. The error message returned from the client this should not be scripted against as it is one of many possible errors.
Deleting files
To delete files with GSI-FTP use the edg-gridftp-rm
edg-gridftp-rm gsiftp://dcache.example.org/pnfs/example.org/data/dteam/filler_test20050811160948926780000
This deletes the file filler_test20050811160948926780000
from the /pnfs/example.org/data/dteam
using the door running on the host dcache.example.org within the dCache cluster example.org
Copying files
Copying file with globus-url-copy
follows the syntax source, destination:
globus-url-copy [command line options] [<srcUrl>] [<destinationUrl>]
Example: The following example copies the file /etc/group
into dCache as the file /data/test.txt
globus-url-copy file://///etc/group \
| gsiftp://dcache.example.org/data/test.txt
Please note that the five slashes in file://///
are really needed.
When using dccp
client or using the interposition library the errors Command failed!
can be safely ignored.
The following example shows dccp
being used to copy the file /etc/group
into dCache as the the file /data/test.txt
. The dccp
program will connect to dCache without authenticating.
dccp /etc/group dcap://dcache.example.org:22125/data/test.txt
|Command failed!
|Server error message for [1]: "path /data/test.txt not found" (errno 10001).
|597 bytes in 0 seconds
The following example shows dccp
being used to upload the file /etc/group
. In this example, dccp will authenticate with dCache using the GSI protocol.
dccp /etc/group gsidcap://dcache.example.org:22128/data/test.txt
|Command failed!
|Server error message for [1]: "path /pnfs/example.org/data/test.txt not found" (errno 10001).
|597 bytes in 0 seconds
The following example shows dccp
with the debugging enabled. The value 63
controls how much information is displayed.
dccp -d 63 /etc/group dcap://dcache.example.org:22128/data/test.txt
|Dcap Version version-1-2-42 Jul 10 2007 19:56:02
|Using system native stat64 for /etc/group.
|Allocated message queues 0, used 0
|Using environment variable as configuration
|Allocated message queues 1, used 1
|Creating a new control connection to dcache.example.org:22128.
|Activating IO tunnel. Provider: [libgsiTunnel.so].
|Added IO tunneling plugin libgsiTunnel.so for dcache.example.org:22128.
|Setting IO timeout to 20 seconds.
|Connected in 0.00s.
|Removing IO timeout handler.
|Sending control message: 0 0 client hello 0 0 2 42 -uid=501 -pid=32253 -gid=501
|Server reply: welcome.
|dcap_pool: POLLIN on control line [3] id=1
|Connected to dcache.example.org:22128
|Sending control message: 1 0 client stat "dcap://dcache.example.org:22128/data/test.txt" -uid=501
|Command failed!
|Server error message for [1]: "path //data/test.txt not found" (errno 10001).
|[-1] unpluging node
|Removing unneeded queue [1]
|[-1] destroing node
|Real file name: /etc/group.
|Using system native open for /etc/group.
|extra option: -alloc-size=597
|[Fri Sep 20 08:54:47 2024] Going to open file dcap://dcache.example.org:22128/data/test.txt in cache.
|Allocated message queues 2, used 1
|Using environment variable as configuration
|Activating IO tunnel. Provider: [libgsiTunnel.so].
|Added IO tunneling plugin libgsiTunnel.so for dcache.example.org:22128.
|Using existing control connection to dcache.example.org:22128.
|Setting hostname to dcache.example.org.
|Sending control message: 2 0 client open "dcap://dcache.example.org:22128/data/test.txt" w -mode=0644 -truncate dcache.example.org 33122 -timeout=-
|1 -onerror=default -alloc-size=597 -uid=501
|Polling data for destination[6] queueID[2].
|Got callback connection from dcache.example.org:35905 for session 2, myID 2.
|cache_open -> OK
|Enabling checksumming on write.
|Cache open succeeded in 0.62s.
|[7] Sending IOCMD_WRITE.
|Entered sendDataMessage.
|Polling data for destination[7] queueID[2].
|[7] Got reply 4x12 bytes len.
|[7] Reply: code[6] response[1] result[0].
|get_reply: no special fields defined for that type of response.
|[7] Got reply 4x12 bytes len.
|[7] Reply: code[7] response[1] result[0].
|get_reply: no special fields defined for that type of response.
|[7] Expected position: 597 @ 597 bytes written.
|Using system native close for [5].
|[7] unpluging node
|File checksum is: 460898156
|Sending CLOSE for fd:7 ID:2.
|Setting IO timeout to 300 seconds.
|Entered sendDataMessage.
|Polling data for destination[7] queueID[2].
|[7] Got reply 4x12 bytes len.
|[7] Reply: code[6] response[4] result[0].
|get_reply: no special fields defined for that type of response.
|Server reply: ok destination [2].
|Removing IO timeout handler.
|Removing unneeded queue [2]
|[7] destroing node
|597 bytes in 0 seconds
Using the dCache client interposition library.
Finding the GSI tunnel.
When the LD_PRELOAD library
variable produces errors finding the GSI tunnel it can be useful to specify the location of the GSI tunnel library directly using the following command:export dCache_IO_TUNNEL=/opt/d-cache/dcap/lib/libgsiTunnel.so
Please see http://www.dcache.org/manuals/experts_docs/tunnel-HOWTO.html for further details on tunnel setup for the server.
dCap is a POSIX like interface for accessing dCache, allowing unmodified applications to access dCache transparently. This access method uses a proprietary data transfer protocol, which can emulate POSIX access across the LAN or WAN.
Unfortunately the client requires inbound connectivity and so it is not practical to use this protocol over the WAN as most sites will not allow inbound connectivity to worker nodes.
To make non dCache aware applications access files within dCache through DCAP all that is needed is set the LD_PRELOAD environment variable to /opt/d-cache/dcap/lib/libpdcap.so
export LD_PRELOAD=/opt/d-cache/dcap/lib/libpdcap.so
Setting the LD_PRELOAD environment variable results in the library libpdcap.so
overriding the operating system calls. After setting this environment variable, the standard shell command should work with DCAP and GSIDCAP URLs.
The following session demonstrates copying a file into dCache, checking the file is present with the ls
command, reading the first 3 lines from dCache and finally deleting the file.
cp /etc/group gsidcap://dcache.example.org:22128/pnfs/example.org/data/dteam/myFile
ls gsidcap://dcache.example.org:22128/pnfs/example.org/data/dteam/DirOrFile
head -3 gsidcap://dcache.example.org:22128/pnfs/example.org/data/dteam/myFile
rm gsidcap://dcache.example.org:22128/pnfs/example.org/data/dteam/MyFile
dCache provides a series of clients one of which is the `SRM? client which supports a large number operations, but is just one Java application, the script name is sent to the Java applications command line to invoke each operation.
This page just shows the scripts command line and not the invocation of the Java application directly.
Creating a new directory.
srmmkdir [command line options] [srmUrl]
The following example creates the directory /pnfs/example.org/data/dteam/myDir
srmmkdir srm://dcache.example.org/pnfs/example.org/data/dteam/myDir
Removing files from dCache
srmrm [command line options] [srmUrl ...]
srmrm srm://dcache.example.org/pnfs/example.org/data/dteam/myDir/myFile
Removing empty directories from dCache
It is allowed to remove only empty directories as well as trees of empty directories.
srmrmdir [command line options] [srmUrl]
srmrmdir srm://dcache.example.org/pnfs/example.org/data/dteam/myDir
srmrmdir -recursive=true srm://dcache.example.org/pnfs/example.org/data/dteam/myDir
srmcp for SRM v1
srmcp [command line options] source... [destination]
srmcp [command line options] [-copyjobfile] file
Copying files to dCache
srmcp -webservice_protocol=http \
| file://///etc/group \
| srm://dcache.example.org/data/test.txt
Copying files from dCache
srmcp -webservice_protocol=http \
| srm://dcache.example.org:8443/data/test.txt \
| file://///tmp/testfile1 -streams_num=1
srmcp for SRM v2.2
Getting the dCache Version
The srmping
command will tell you the version of dCache. This only works for authorized users and not just authenticated users.
srmping srm://dcache.example.org
|VersionInfo : v2.2
Space Tokens
Space token support must be set up and reserving space with the admin interface this is also documented in the SRM section and in the dCache wiki.
Space Token Listing
srm-get-space-tokens [command line options] [srmUrl]
Example 22.1. surveying the space tokens available in a directory.
srm-get-space-tokens srm://dcache.example.org
A successful result:
return status code : SRM_SUCCESS
return status expl. : OK
Space Reservation Tokens:
Example 22.2. Listing the space tokens for a SRM:
srm-get-space-tokens srm://dcache.example.org
|Space Reservation Tokens:
Space Reservation
srm-reserve-space [command line options] [srmUrl]
srm-reserve-space \
|-desired_size 2000 \
|-retention_policy=REPLICA \
|-access_latency=ONLINE \
|-guaranteed_size 1024 \
|-lifetime 36000 \
A successful result:
Space token =144573
A typical failure
SRMClientV2 : srmStatusOfReserveSpaceRequest , contacting service httpg://dcache.example.org/srm/managerv2
status: code=SRM_NO_FREE_SPACE explanantion= at Fri Sep 20 08:54:47 UTC 2024 state Failed : no space available
lifetime = null
access latency = ONLINE
retention policy = REPLICA
guaranteed size = null
total size = 34
Also you can get info for this space token 144573
srm-get-space-metadata srm://dcache.example.org -space_tokens=144573
Possible result:
Space Reservation with token=120047
owner:VoGroup=/dteam VoRole=NULL
Writing to a Space Token
srmcp \[command line options\] source(s) destination
srmcp -protocols=gsiftp -space_token=144573 \
|file://///home/user/path/to/myFile \
srmcp -protocols=gsiftp -space_token=144573 \
|file://///home/user/path/to/myFile1 \
|file://///home/user/path/to/myFile2 \
Space Metadata
Users can get the metadata available for the space, but the ability to query the metadata of a space reservation may be restricted so that only certain users can obtain this information.
srm-get-space-metadata srm://dcache.example.org -space_tokens=120049
|Space Reservation with token=120049
| owner:VoGroup=/dteam VoRole=NULL
| totalSize:1024
| guaranteedSize:1024
| unusedSize:1024
| lifetimeLeft:30204
| accessLatency:ONLINE
| retentionPolicy:REPLICA
Space Token Release
Removes a space token from the SRM.
srm-release-space srm://dcache.example.org -space_token=15
Listing a file in SRM
SRM version 2.2 has a much richer set of file listing commands.
srmls [command line options] srmUrl...
Example 22.3. Using srmls -l:
srmls srm://dcache.example.org/data
|0 /data/
| 31 /data/testFile1
| 31 /data/testFile2
| 31 /data/testFile3
| 31 /data/testFile4
| 31 /data/testFile5
option results insrmls
providing additional information. Collecting this additional information may result in a dramatic increase in execution time.
srmls -l srm://dcache.example.org/data
|0 /data/
| storage type:PERMANENT
| retention policy:CUSTODIAL
| access latency:NEARLINE
| locality:NEARLINE
| locality: null
| UserPermission: uid=18118 PermissionsRWX
| GroupPermission: gid=2688 PermissionsRWX
| WorldPermission: RX
| created at:2024/08/20 16:16:32
| modified at:2024/09/20 09:11:12
| - Assigned lifetime (in seconds): -1
| - Lifetime left (in seconds): -1
| - Original SURL: /data
| - Status: null
|31 /data/testFile1
| storage type:PERMANENT
| retention policy:CUSTODIAL
| access latency:NEARLINE
| locality:NEARLINE
| - Checksum value: 84d007af
| - Checksum type: adler32
| UserPermission: uid=18118 PermissionsRW
| GroupPermission: gid=2688 PermissionsR
| WorldPermission: R
| created at:2024/08/20 15:47:13
| modified at:2024/09/20 09:15:21
| - Assigned lifetime (in seconds): -1
| - Lifetime left (in seconds): -1
| - Original SURL: /data/testFile1
| - Status: null
| - Type: FILE
If you have more than 1000 entries in your directory then dCache will return only the first 1000. To view directories with more than 1000 entries, please use the following parameters:
srmls parameter
-count=integer The number of entries to report.
Example 22.5. Limited directory listing
The first command shows the output without specifying -count
or -offset
. Since the directory contains less than 1000 entries, all entries are listed.
srmls srm://dcache.example.org/data/run1 \
| srm://dcache.example.org/data/run2
|0 /data/run1/
| 31 /data/run1/myFile1
| 28 /data/run1/myFile2
| 47 /data/run1/myFile3
|0 /data/run2/
| 25 /data/run2/fileA
| 59 /data/run2/fileB
The following examples shows the result when using the -count
option to listing the first three entries.
srmls -count=3 srm://dcache.example.org/other-data
|0 /other-data/
| 31 /other-data/testFile1
| 31 /other-data/testFile2
| 31 /other-data/testFile3
In the next command, the -offset
option is used to view a different set of entries.
srmls -count=3 -offset=1 srm://dcache.example.org/other-data
|0 /other-data/
| 31 /other-data/testFile2
| 31 /other-data/testFile3
| 31 /other-data/testFile4
dCache is commonly deployed with the BDII. The information provider within dCache publishes information to BDII. To querying the dCache BDII is a matter of using the standard command ldapsearch. For grid the standard ldap port is set to 2170 from the previous value of 2135.
ldapsearch -x -H ldap://localhost:2170 -b mds-vo-name=resource,o=grid > /tmp/ldap.output.ldif
wc -l /tmp/ldap.output.ldif
|205 /tmp/ldap.output.ldif
As can be seen from above even a single node standard install of dCache returns a considerable number of lines and for this reason we have not included the output, in this case 205 lines where written.
Using the LCG commands with dCache
The lcg_util
RPM contains many small command line applications which interact with SRM implementations, these where developed independently from dCache and provided by the LCG grid computing effort.
Each command line application operates on a different method of the SRM interface. These applications where not designed for normal use but to provide components upon which operations can be built.
queries the BDII information server. This adds an additional requirement that the BDII information server can be found by lcg-gt
, please only attempt to contact servers found on your user interface using.
lcg-infosites --vo dteam se
The lcg-gt
SRM provides a protocol negotiating interface, and returns a TURL (transfer URL). The protocol specified by the client will be returned by the server if the server supports the requested protocol.
To read a file from dCache using lcg-gt
you must specify two parameters the SURL (storage URL), and the protcol (GSIdCap
) you wish to use to access the file.
lcg-gt srm://dcache.example.org/pnfs/example.org/data/dteam/group gsidcap
Each of the above three lines contains different information. These are explained below.
is the transfer URL (TURL).
is the SRM Request Id
, Please note that it is a negative number in this example, which is allowed by the specification.
is the Unique identifier for the file with respect to the Request Id
. Please note that with this example this is a negative number.
Remember to return your Request Id
dCache limits the number of Request Ids a user may have. All Request Ids should be returned to dCache using the command
If you use lcg-gt
to request a file with a protocol that is not supported by dCache the command will block for some time as dCache’s SRM interface times out after approximately 10 minutes.
The lcg-sd
This command should be used to return any TURLs given by dCache’s SRM interface. This is because dCache provides a limited number of TURLs available concurrently.
takes four parameters: the SURL, the Request Id
, the File Id
with respect to the Request Id
, and the direction of data transfer.
The following example is to complete the get operation, the values are taken form the above example of lcg-gt
lcg-sd srm://dcache.example.org/pnfs/example.org/data/dteam/group " -2147365977" " -21
Negative numbers
dCache returns negative numbers for
Request Id
andFile Id
. Please note thatlcg-sd
requires that these values are places in double-quotes with a single space before the-
The Request Id
is one of the values returned by the lcg-gt
command. In this example, the value (-2147365977
) comes from the above example lcg-gt
The File Id
is also one of the values returned returned by the lcg-gt
command. In this example, the value (-2147365976
) comes from the above example lcg-gt
The direction parameter indicates in which direction data was transferred: 0
for reading data and 1
for writing data.