[an error occurred while processing this directive]

Using X.509 Certificates

Most plug-ins of gPlazma support X.509 certificates for authentication and authorisation. X.509 certificates are used to identify entities (e.g., persons, hosts) in the Internet. The certificates contain a DN (Distinguished Name) that uniquely describes the entity. To give the certificate credibility it is issued by a CA (Certificate Authority) which checks the identity upon request of the certificate (e.g., by checking the persons id). For the use of X.509 certificates with dCache your users will have to request a certificate from a CA you trust and you need host certificates for every host of your dCache instance.

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CA Certificates

To be able to locally verify the validity of the certificates, you need to store the CA certificates on your system. Most operating systems come with a number of commercial CA certificates, but for the Grid you will need the certificates of the Grid CAs. For this, CERN packages a number of CA certificates. These are deployed by most grid sites. By deploying these certificates, you state that you trust the CA’s procedure for the identification of individuals and you agree to act promptly if there are any security issues.

To install the CERN CA certificates follow the following steps:

[root] # cd /etc/yum.repos.d/
[root] # wget http://grid-deployment.web.cern.ch/grid-deployment/glite/repos/3.2/lcg-CA.repo
[root] # yum install lcg-CA

This will create the directory /etc/grid-security/certificates which contains the Grid CA certificates.

Certificates which have been revoked are collected in certificate revocation lists (CRLs). To get the CRLs install the fetch-crl command as described below.

[root] # yum install fetch-crl
[root] # /usr/sbin/fetch-crl

fetch-crl adds X.509 CRLs to /etc/grid-security/certificates. It is recommended to set up a cron job to periodically update the CRLs.

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User Certificate

If you do not have a valid grid user certificate yet, you have to request one from your CA. Follow the instructions from your CA on how to get a certificate. After your request was accepted you will get a URL pointing to your new certificate. Install it into your browser to be able to access grid resources with it. Once you have the certificate in your browser, make a backup and name it userCertificate.p12. Copy the user certificate to the directory ~/.globus/ on your worker node and convert it to usercert.pem and userkey.pem as described below.

[user] $ openssl pkcs12 -clcerts -nokeys -in <userCertificate>.p12 -out usercert.pem
Enter Import Password:
MAC verified OK

During the backup your browser asked you for a password to encrypt the certificate. Enter this password here when asked for a password. This will create your user certificate.

[user] $ openssl pkcs12 -nocerts -in <userCertificate>.p12 -out userkey.pem
Enter Import Password:
MAC verified OK
Enter PEM pass phrase:

In this step you need to again enter the backup password. When asked for the PEM pass phrase choose a secure password. If you want to use your key without having to type in the pass phrase every time, you can remove it by executing the following command.

[root] # openssl rsa -in userkey.pem -out userkey.pem
Enter pass phrase for userkey.pem:
writing RSA key

Now change the file permissions to make the key only readable by you and the certificate world readable and only writable by you.

[root] # chmod 400 userkey.pem
[root] # chmod 644 usercert.pem

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Host Certificate

To request a host certificate for your server host, follow again the instructions of your CA.

The conversion to hostcert.pem and hostkey.pem works analogous to the user certificate. For the hostkey you have to remove the pass phrase. How to do this is also explained in the previous section. Finally copy the host*.pem files to /etc/grid-security/ as root and change the file permissions in favour of the user running the grid application.

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VOMS Proxy Certificate

For very large groups of people, it is often more convenient to authorise people based on their membership of some group. To identify that they are a member of some group, the certificate owner can create a new short-lived X.509 certificate that includes their membership of various groups. This short-lived certificate is called a proxy-certificate and, if the membership information comes from a VOMS server, it is often referred to as a VOMS-proxy.

[root] # cd /etc/yum.repos.d/
[root] # wget http://grid-deployment.web.cern.ch/grid-deployment/glite/repos/3.2/glite-UI.repo
[root] # yum install glite-security-voms-clients

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Creating a VOMS proxy

To create a VOMS proxy for your user certificate you need to execute the voms-proxy-init as a user.


[user] $ export PATH=/opt/glite/bin/:$PATH
[user] $ voms-proxy-init
Enter GRID pass phrase:
Your identity: /C=DE/O=GermanGrid/OU=DESY/CN=John Doe

Creating proxy ........................................................................Done
Your proxy is valid until Mon Mar  7 22:06:15 2011

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Certifying your membership of a VO

You can certify your membership of a VO by using the command voms-proxy-init -voms <yourVO>. This is useful as in dCache authorization can be done by VO (see the section called “Authorizing a VO”). To be able to use the extension -voms <yourVO> you need to be able to access VOMS servers. To this end you need the the VOMS server’s and the CA’s DN. Create a file /etc/grid-security/vomsdir/<VO>/<hostname>.lsc per VOMS server containing on the 1st line the VOMS server’s DN and on the 2nd line, the corresponding CA’s DN. The name of this file should be the fully qualified hostname followed by an .lsc extension and the file must appear in a subdirectory /etc/grid-security/vomsdir/<VO> for each VO that is supported by that VOMS server and by the site.

At http://operations-portal.egi.eu/vo you can search for a VO and find this information.


For example, the file /etc/grid-security/vomsdir/desy/grid-voms.desy.de.lsc contains:


where the first entry is the DN of the DESY VOMS server and the second entry is the DN of the CA which signed the DESY VOMS server’s certificate.

In addition, you need to have a file /opt/glite/etc/vomses containing your VO’s VOMS server.


For DESY the file /opt/glite/etc/vomses should contain the entry

"desy" "grid-voms.desy.de" "15104" "/C=DE/O=GermanGrid/OU=DESY/CN=host/grid-voms.desy.de" "desy" "24"

The first entry desy is the real name or a nickname of your VO. grid-voms.desy.de is the hostname of the VOMS server. The number 15104 is the port number the server is listening on. The forth entry is the DN of the server’s VOMS certificate. The fifth entry, desy, is the VO name and the last entry is the globus version number which is not used anymore and can be omitted.


Use the command voms-proxy-init -voms to create a VOMS proxy with VO desy.

[user] $ voms-proxy-init -voms desy
Enter GRID pass phrase:
Your identity: /C=DE/O=GermanGrid/OU=DESY/CN=John Doe
Creating temporary proxy ....................................................... Done
Contacting  grid-voms.desy.de:15104 [/C=DE/O=GermanGrid/OU=DESY/CN=host/grid-voms.desy.de] "desy" Done
Creating proxy .................................... Done
Your proxy is valid until Mon Mar  7 23:52:13 2011

View the information about your VOMS proxy with voms-proxy-info

[user] $ voms-proxy-info
subject   : /C=DE/O=GermanGrid/OU=DESY/CN=John Doe/CN=proxy
issuer    : /C=DE/O=GermanGrid/OU=DESY/CN=John Doe
identity  : /C=DE/O=GermanGrid/OU=DESY/CN=John Doe
type      : proxy
strength  : 1024 bits
path      : /tmp/x509up_u500
timeleft  : 11:28:02

The last line tells you how much longer your proxy will be valid.

If your proxy is expired you will get

[user] $ voms-proxy-info
subject   : /C=DE/O=GermanGrid/OU=DESY/CN=John Doe/CN=proxy
issuer    : /C=DE/O=GermanGrid/OU=DESY/CN=John Doe
identity  : /C=DE/O=GermanGrid/OU=DESY/CN=John Doe
type      : proxy
strength  : 1024 bits
path      : /tmp/x509up_u500
timeleft  : 0:00:00

The command voms-proxy-info -all gives you information about the proxy and about the VO.

[user] $ voms-proxy-info -all
subject   : /C=DE/O=GermanGrid/OU=DESY/CN=John Doe/CN=proxy
issuer    : /C=DE/O=GermanGrid/OU=DESY/CN=John Doe
identity  : /C=DE/O=GermanGrid/OU=DESY/CN=John Doe
type      : proxy
strength  : 1024 bits
path      : /tmp/x509up_u500
timeleft  : 11:24:57
=== VO desy extension information ===
VO        : desy
subject   : /C=DE/O=GermanGrid/OU=DESY/CN=John Doe
issuer    : /C=DE/O=GermanGrid/OU=DESY/CN=host/grid-voms.desy.de
attribute : /desy/Role=NULL/Capability=NULL
attribute : /desy/test/Role=NULL/Capability=NULL
timeleft  : 11:24:57
uri       : grid-voms.desy.de:15104

Use the command voms-proxy-destroy to destroy your VOMS proxy.

[user] $ voms-proxy-destroy
[user] $ voms-proxy-info

Couldn't find a valid proxy.