[an error occurred while processing this directive]


dCache provides a GSI-FTP door, which is in effect a GSI authenticated FTP access point to dCache

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Listing a directory

To list the content of a dCache directory, the GSI-FTP protocol can be used;

[user] $ edg-gridftp-ls gsiftp://gridftp-door.example.org/pnfs/example.org/data/dteam/

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Checking a file exists

To check the existence of a file with GSI-FTP.

[user] $ edg-gridftp-exists gsiftp://gridftp-door.example.org/pnfs/example.org/data/dteam/filler_test20050819130209790873000
[user] $ echo $?
[user] $ edg-gridftp-exists gsiftp://gridftp-door.example.org/pnfs/example.org/data/dteam/filler_test200508191302097908730002
error the server sent an error response: 451 451 /pnfs/example.org/data/dteam/filler_test200508191302097908730002  not found
[user] $ echo $?

Use the return code

Please note the echo $? show the return code of the last run application. The error message returned from the client this should not be scripted against as it is one of many possible errors.

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Deleting files

To delete files with GSI-FTP use the edg-gridftp-rm command.

[user] $ edg-gridftp-rm gsiftp://gridftp-door.example.org/pnfs/example.org/data/dteam/filler_test20050811160948926780000

This deletes the file filler_test20050811160948926780000 from the /pnfs/example.org/data/dteam using the door running on the host gridftp-door.example.org within the dCache cluster example.org

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Copying files

globus-url-copy [[command line options]] [<srcUrl>] [<destinationUrl>] ...

Copying file with globus-url-copy follows the syntax source, destination.


The following example copies the file /etc/group into dCache as the file /pnfs/example.org/data/dteam/test_GlobusUrlCopy.clinton.504.22080.20071102160121.2

[user] $ globus-url-copy \
file://///etc/group \

Please note that the five slashes are really needed.