[an error occurred while processing this directive]

Checking the Functionality

Reading and writing data to and from a dCache instance can be done with a number of protocols. After a standard installation, these protocols are dCap, GSIdCap, and GridFTP. In addition dCache comes with an implementation of the SRM protocol which negotiates the actual data transfer protocol.

[return to top]

dCache without mounted namespace

Create the root of the Chimera namespace and a world-writable directory by

[root] # /opt/d-cache/bin/chimera mkdir /data
[root] # /opt/d-cache/bin/chimera mkdir /data/world-writable
[root] # /opt/d-cache/bin/chimera chmod 777 /data/world-writable

To use WebDAV you need to define a WebDAV service in your layout file. You can define this service in an extra domain, e.g. [webdavDomain] or add it to another domain.


to the file /opt/d-cache/etc/layouts/mylayout.conf.


Depending on the client you might need to set webdav.redirect.on-read=false and/or webdav.redirect.on-write=false.

#  ---- Whether to redirect GET requests to a pool
#   If true, WebDAV doors will respond with a 302 redirect pointing to
#   a pool holding the file. This requires that a pool can accept
#   incoming TCP connections and that the client follows the
#   redirect. If false, data is relayed through the door. The door
#   will establish a TCP connection to the pool.

#  ---- Whether to redirect PUT requests to a pool
#   If true, WebDAV doors will respond with a 307 redirect pointing to
#   a pool to which to upload the file. This requires that a pool can
#   accept incoming TCP connections and that the client follows the
#   redirect. If false, data is relayed through the door. The door
#   will establish a TCP connection to the pool. Only clients that send
#   a Expect: 100-Continue header will be redirected - other requests
#   will always be proxied through the door.

Now you can start the WebDAV domain

[root] # /opt/d-cache/bin/dcache start webdavDomain

and access your files via http://<webdav-door.example.org>:2880 with your browser.

You can connect the webdav server to your file manager and copy a file into your dCache.

To use curl to copy a file into your dCache you will need to set webdav.redirect.on-write=false.


Write the file test.txt

[root] # curl -T test.txt http://webdav-door.example.org:2880/data/world-writable/curl-testfile.txt

and read it

[root] # curl http://webdav-door.example.org:2880/data/world-writable/curl-testfile.txt

To be able to use dCap you need to have the dCap door running in a domain.



For anonymous access you need to set the property dcap.authz.anonymous-operations to FULL.



For this tutorial install dCap on your worker node. This can be the machine where your dCache is running.

Get the gLite repository (which contains dCap) and install dCap using yum.

[root] # cd /etc/yum.repos.d/
[root] # wget http://grid-deployment.web.cern.ch/grid-deployment/glite/repos/3.2/glite-UI.repo
[root] # yum install dcap

Create the root of the Chimera namespace and a world-writable directory for dCap to write into as described above.

Copy the data (here /bin/sh is used as example data) using the dccp command and the dCap protocol describing the location of the file using a URL, where <dcache.example.org> is the host on which the dCache is running

[root] # dccp -H /bin/sh dcap://<dcache.example.org>/data/world-writable/my-test-file-1
[##########################################################################################] 100% 718 kiB
735004 bytes (718 kiB) in 0 seconds

and copy the file back.

[root] # dccp -H dcap://<dcache.example.org>/data/world-writable/my-test-file-1 /tmp/mytestfile1
[##########################################################################################] 100% 718 kiB
735004 bytes (718 kiB) in 0 seconds

To remove the file you will need to mount the namespace.