There are three XML configuration files used by the application.
contains the rules for the tables creation/update. It changes only if the dCache administrator wants to add more tables into the database to work with. Here is the fragment of such file, which describes two SQL statements to create the table named en_rd_daily and to update it.Example 15.1. Fragment of
configuration file.................... <table id="en_rd_daily"> <create> select date(datestamp), count(*), sum(fullsize) as fullSize into en_rd_daily from storageinfo where action='restore' and errorcode=0 group by date(datestamp) order by date </create> <update> <query> delete from en_rd_daily where date between current_date-6 and current_date </query> <query> insert into en_rd_daily select date(datestamp), count(*), sum(fullsize) as fullSize from storageinfo where datestamp between current_date-6 and now() and action='restore' and errorcode=0 group by date(datestamp) order by date </query> </update> </table> ....................
contains the set of commands for gnuplot program which is used to build the images. It defines the table(s) where to get data from, what data to use, and the plot format. Here is the fragment of such file, which describes plot named billing.cst.year, which uses the data from the table cost_daily from the billing database for the current year, and build the plot with the line and points on it.Example 15.2. Fragment of
configuration file.................... <plot id="billing.cst.year"> <title>Transaction Cost</title> <datasource table="cost_daily"> date between current_date-interval '1 year' and current_date ORDER BY date </datasource> <gnusetup> <c>set xdata time</c> <c>set timefmt '%Y-%m-%d'</c> <c>set format x '%y-%m-%d'</c> <c>set xlabel 'Date (Year-month-day)'</c> <c>set ylabel 'Cost'</c> <c>###set logscale y</c> <dataset title="Cost" src="cost_daily"> using {date}:{mean} with linespoints lw 3 lt 2 </dataset> </gnusetup> </plot> ....................
contains the URLs for the generated files with the images and previews, which are shown on the web page. Here is the fragment of such file, which describes plot set named Bytes read, which contains the plots for a year, a month, a week, a week with one hour interval, a day, and the corresponding thumbnail previews.Example 15.3. Fragment of
configuration file.................... <plot> Bytes read <pic> <Year>http:../../../web-dcache/viewer?name=billing.brd.year.png</Year> <Month>http:../../../web-dcache/viewer?name=billing.brd.month.png</Month> <Week>http:../../../web-dcache/viewer?name=billing.brd.week.png</Week> <Week-daily>http:../../../web-dcache/viewer?name=billing.brd.week-daily.png</Week-daily> <Day>http:../../../web-dcache/viewer?</Day> </pic> <pre> <Year>file:../../../web-dcache/viewer?name=billing.brd.year.pre</Year> <Month>file:../../../web-dcache/viewer?name=billing.brd.month.pre</Month> <Week>file:../../../web-dcache/viewer?name=billing.brd.week.pre</Week> <Week-daily>file:../../../web-dcache/viewer?name=billing.brd.week-daily.pre</Week-daily> <Day>file:../../../web-dcache/viewer?</Day> </pre> </plot> ....................