migration info
migration info — Shows detailed information about a migration job.
migration info
Shows detailed information about a migration job. Possible job states are:
Initial scan of repository
Job runs (schedules new tasks)
A task failed; no tasks are scheduled for 10 seconds
Job suspended by user; no tasks are scheduled
Job cancelled by user; waiting for tasks to stop
Job cancelled by user; no tasks are running
Job completed
Job tasks may be in any of the following states:
- Queued
Queued for execution
- GettingLocations
Querying PnfsManager for file locations
- UpdatingExistingFile
Updating the state of existing target file
- CancellingUpdate
Task cancelled, waiting for update to complete
- InitiatingCopy
Request send to target, waiting for confirmation
- Copying
Waiting for target to complete the transfer
- Pinging
Ping send to target, waiting for reply
- NoResponse
Cell connection to target lost
- Waiting
Waiting for final confirmation from target
- MovingPin
Waiting for pin manager to move pin
- Cancelling
Attempting to cancel transfer
- Cancelled
Task cancelled, file was not copied
- Failed
The task failed
- Done
The task completed successfully