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SRM configuration for experts

There are a few parameters in dCacheSetup that you might find useful for nontrivial SRM deployment.

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srmSpaceManagerEnabled tells if the space management is activated in SRM.

Possible values are yes and no. Default is yes.

Usage example:


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srmImplicitSpaceManagerEnabled tells if the space should be reserved for SRM Version 1 transfers and for SRM Version 2 transfers that have no space token specified. Will have effect only if srmSpaceManagerEnabled.

Possible values are yes and no. This is enabled by default, disabled if srmSpaceManagerEnabled is set to no.

Usage example:


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overwriteEnabled tells to SRM and GridFTP servers if the overwrite is allowed. If enabled on SRM node, should be enabled on all GridFTP nodes.

Possible values are yes and no. Default is no.

Usage example:


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srmOverwriteByDefault Set this to true if you want overwrite to be enabled for SRM v1.1 interface as well as for SRM v2.2 interface when client does not specify desired overwrite mode. This option will be considered only if overwriteEnabled is set to yes.

Possible values are true and false. Default is false.

Usage example:


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srmDatabaseHost tells to SRM which database host to connect to. Do not change unless you know what you are doing.

Default value is localhost.

Usage example:

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spaceManagerDatabaseHost tells to SRM Space Manager which database host to connect to. Do not change unless you know what you are doing.

Default value is localhost.

Usage example:

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pinManagerDatabaseHost tells to SRM Pin Manager which database host to connect to. Do not change unless you know what you are doing.

Default value is localhost.

Usage example:

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srmDbName tells to SRM which database to connect to. Do not change unless you know what you are doing.

Default value is dcache.

Usage example:


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srmDbUser tells to SRM which database user name to use when connecting to database. Do not change unless you know what you are doing.

Default value is srmdcache.

Usage example:


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srmDbPassword tells to SRM which database password to use when connecting to database. Do not change unless you know what you are doing.

Usage example:


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srmPasswordFile tells to SRM which database password file to use when connecting to database. Do not change unless you know what you are doing. It is recommended that MD5 authentication method is used. To learn about file format please see To learn more about authentication methods please visit, Please read "Encrypting Passwords Across A Network" section.

This option is not set by default.

Usage example:


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srmJdbsMonitoringLogEnabled tells the SRM to store the history of the SRM request executions in the database. This option is useful if you are using SRMWatch web monitoring tool. Activation of this option might lead to the increase of the database activity, so if the PostgreSQL load generated by SRM is excessive, disable it.

Possible values are true and false. Default is false.

Usage example:


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srmDbLogEnabled tells to SRM to store the information about the remote (copy, srmCopy) transfer details in the database. This option is useful if you are using SRMWatch web monitoring tool. Activation of this option might lead to the increase of the database activity, so if the PostgreSQL load generated by SRM is excessive, diable it.

Possible values are true and false. Default is false.

Usage example:


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srmVersion not used by SRM, it was mentioned that this value us used by some publishing scritps.

Default is version1.

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pnfsSrmPath tells to SRM what is the root of all SRM paths is in pnfs. SRM will prepend path to all the local SURL paths passed to it by SRM client. So if the pnfsSrmPath is set to /pnfs/ and someone requests the read of srm://, SRM will translate the SURL path /file1 into /pnfs/ Setting this variable to something different from / is equivalent of performing Unix chroot for all SRM operations.

Default value is /.

Usage example:


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parallelStreams specifies the number of the parallel streams that SRM will use when performing third party transfers between this system and remote GSI-FTP servers, in response to SRM v1.1 copy or SRM V2.2 srmCopy function. This will have no effect on srmPrepareToPut and srmPrepareToGet command results and parameters of GridFTP transfers driven by the SRM clients.

Default value is 10.

Usage example:


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srmBufferSize specifies the number of bytes to use for the in memory buffers for performing third party transfers between this system and remote GSI-FTP servers, in response to SRM v1.1 copy or SRM V2.2 srmCopy function. This will have no effect on srmPrepareToPut and srmPrepareToGet command results and parameters of GridFTP transfers driven by the SRM clients.

Default value is 1048576.

Usage example:


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srmTcpBufferSize specifies the number of bytes to use for the tcp buffers for performing third party transfers between this system and remote GSI-FTP servers, in response to SRM v1.1 copy or SRM V2.2 srmCopy function. This will have no effect on srmPrepareToPut and srmPrepareToGet command results and parameters of GridFTP transfers driven by the SRM clients.

Default value is 1048576.

Usage example:


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srmAuthzCacheLifetime specifies the duration that authorizations will be cached. Caching decreases the volume of messages to the gPlazma cell or other authorization mechanism. To turn off caching, set the value to 0.

Default value is 120.

Usage example:


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srmGetLifeTime, srmPutLifeTime and srmCopyLifeTime

srmGetLifeTime, srmPutLifeTime and srmCopyLifeTime specify the lifetimes of the srmPrepareToGet (srmBringOnline) srmPrepareToPut and srmCopy requests lifetimes in millisecond. If the system is unable to fulfill the requests before the request lifetimes expire, the requests are automatically garbage collected.

Default value is 14400000 (4 hours)

Usage example:


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srmGetReqMaxReadyRequests, srmPutReqMaxReadyRequests, srmGetReqReadyQueueSize and srmPutReqReadyQueueSize

srmGetReqMaxReadyRequests and srmPutReqMaxReadyRequests specify the maximum number of the files for which the transfer URLs will be be computed and given to the users in responce to SRM get (srmPrepareToGet) and put (srmPrepareToPut) requests. The rest of the files that are ready to be transfered are put on the Ready queues, the maximum length of these queues are controlled by srmGetReqReadyQueueSize and srmPutReqReadyQueueSize parameters. These parameters should be set according to the capacity of the system, and are usually greater than the maximum number of the GridFTP transfers that this dCache instance GridFTP doors can sustain.

Usage example:


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srmCopyReqThreadPoolSize and remoteGsiftpMaxTransfers

srmCopyReqThreadPoolSize and remoteGsiftpMaxTransfers. srmCopyReqThreadPoolSize is used to specify how many parallel srmCopy file copies to execute simultaneously. Once the this SRM contacted remote SRM system, and obtained a Transfer URL (usually GSI-FTP URL), it contact a Copy Manager module (usually RemoteGsiftpTransferManager), and asks it to perform a GridFTP transfer between remote GridFTP server and a dCache pool. The maximum number of the simultaneous transfers that RemoteGsiftpTransferManager will support is remoteGsiftpMaxTransfers, therefore it is important that remoteGsiftpMaxTransfers is greater than or equal to srmCopyReqThreadPoolSize.

Usage example:


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srmCustomGetHostByAddr srmCustomGetHostByAddr enables using the BNL developed procedure for host by IP resolution if standard InetAddress method failed.

Usage example:


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RecursiveDirectoryCreation allows or disallows automatic creation of directories via SRM, allow=true, disallow=false.

Automatic directory creation is allowed by default.

Usage example:
