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Storage Resource Managers (SRMs) are middleware components whose function is to provide dynamic space allocation and file management on shared storage components on the Grid. SRMs support protocol negotiation and a reliable replication mechanism. The SRM specification standardizes the interface, thus allowing for a uniform access to heterogeneous storage elements.

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General SRM Concepts

SRM interface consists of the five categories of functions: Space Management, Data Transfer, Request Status, Directory and Permission Functions. SRM interface utilizes Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI) for authentications. SRM service is a Web Service implementation of a published WSDL document. Please visit SRM Working Group Page to see the SRM Version 1.1 and SRM Version 2.2 protocol specification documents.

SRM defines a protocol name SRM, and introduces a way to address the files stored in the SRM managed storage by Site URL of the format srm://<host>:<port>/[<web service path>?SFN=]<path>. Examples of the Site URLs a.k.a. SRM URLs are:


All SRM functions that operate on files use Site URLs (SURLs) for file references.

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Data Transfer functions

There are three functions for performing data transfers in SRM, namely srmPrepareToGet, srmPrepareToPut and srmCopy. These are SRM Version 2.2 names, in SRM Version 1.1 they were called get, put and copy, but their roles were essentially the same. These functions take list of sources(srmPrepareToGet), destinations(srmPrepareToPut) or both (srmCopy). The role of the srmPrepareToGet function is to prepare the system for the receipt of the data into the given file names, to make sure that the system has enough space to store the files, that the user has sufficient privileges to create the files in the paths designated by the SURLs. The purpose of the srmPrepareToPut function is to prepare the data stored in files, designated by the given SURLs , that are already a part of the system for the network access; SRM needs again to check that the user has sufficient privileges to access the files in the paths designated by the SURLs. One of the features of thesrmPrepareToGet and srmPrepareToPut functions is that they both support transfer protocol negotiation. This means that in case of both of these functions client supplies a list of supported transfer protocols and SRM server computes the Transfer URL in the first protocol from the list that it supports. Depending on the implementation the real action in the Storage System performed in response to this invocation may range from simple SURL to TURL translation to a Stage from Tape to Disk Cache and dynamic selection of the transfer host and transfer protocol depending on the protocol availability and current load on each of the transfer server load. It is a responsibility of the client to perform the transfer and to notify the SRM that it is done with the files. srmCopy function performs a copy between a local and a remote storage system, it is given a list of source – destination URL pairs. At least one of the URLs in each pair must be an SURL of file in the SRM system contacted with the srmCopy request. Second URL can be a local or remote SURL or URL in some other transfer protocol. In case of srmCopy the SRM system performs data transfer itself, without data ever flowing though the client’s computer.

The Data Transfer functions are asynchronous, initial SRM call leads to the start of the execution of the client’s request, and the functions return the request statuses, that contain unique request tokens, that can be used in subsequent calls for periodic polling of the status of the request. Once the SRM completes the requests, and clients are done with the data transfers, clients notify the system that they are done with the files and are ready to release the associated resources, the client notifies the system by execution of the srmReleaseFiles in case of srmPrepareToGet or srmPutDone in case of srmPrepareToPut. In case of srmCopy, system knows when the transfer is competed and resources can be released, so it requires no special function at the end.

Clients are free to cancel the requests at any time by execution of the srmAbortFiles or srmAbortRequest.

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Space Management functions

SRM Version 2.2 introduces a concept of space reservation. Space reservation is a promise by the storage system to make certain amount of storage space of certain type available for usage for a specified period of time. Space reservation is made using srmReserveSpace function. In case of successful reservation, a unique name, called space token is assigned to the reservation. Space token can be used during the transfer operations to tell the system to put the files being manipulated or transferred into an associated space reservation . A storage system ensures that the reserved amount of the disk space is indeed available, thus providing a guarantee that a client does not run out of space until all space promised by the reservation has been used. When files are deleted, the space is returned to the space reservation.

A space reservation has a property called retention policy. Possible values of retention policy are Replica, Output and Custodial. The retention policy describes the quality of the storage service that will be provided for the data (files) stored in this space reservation. Replica corresponds to the lowest quality of the service, usually associated with storing a single copy of each file on the disk. Custodial is the highest quality service, usually interpreted as storage of the data on Tape. WLCG has decided not to use Output retention policy in its data grid. Output is an intermediate retention policy is stronger than Replica and weaker than Custodial, and in dCache Output retention policy will possibly be used for files managed by Resilient Manager, which will make several internal copies of each file, distributed on distinct instances of hardware. Once a file is written into a given space reservation, it inherits the reservation’s retention policy.

Another property of the space reservation is called access latency. The two values allowed are Nearline and Online. Nearline means that the data stored in this reservation are allowed to be stored in such a way that retrieving them might require storage system to perform additional preparatory steps (staging data from tape to a disk cache for example). Online means that data is readily available and it will not take long to start reading the date. In case of dCache Online means that there will always be a copy of the file on disk, while Nearline does not provide such guarantee. As with retention policy, once a file is written into a given space reservation, it inherits the reservation’s access latency.

DCache however only manages write space, i.e. only space on disk can be reserved and only for write operations. Once files are migrated to tape, and if no copy is required on disk, space used by these files is returned back into space reservation. When files are read back from tape and cached on disk, they are not counted as part of any space. SRM Space reservation can be assigned a non-unique description, then the description cab be used in the future to discover all space reservation with a given description.

Properties of the SRM Space Reservations can be discovered using SrmGetSpaceMetadata function. Space Reservations might be released with srmReleaseSpace. For a complete description of the available functions please see SRM Version 2.2 Specification.

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Utilization of the Space Reservations for Data Storage

SRM Version 2.2 srmPrepareToPut and srmCopy pull mode transfers allow the user to specify a space reservation token or a retention policy and an access latency. In the protocol, any of these values are optional, and it is up to the implementation to decide what to do, if these properties are not specified. The specification does however require that if a space reservation is given, then any access latency or retention policy specified must match the same properties of the space reservation.

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Directory functions

Starting from SRM Version 2.2, interface provides a complete set of the directory management functions. These are srmLs, srmRm, srmMkDir, srmRmDir and srmMv.

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Permission functions

SRM Version 2.2 support the following three space permission functions, srmGetPermission, srmCheckPermission and srmSetPermission. dCache contains a rudimentary implementation of these functions that mostly allow setting and checking of the Unix file permission.

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SRM Service

dCache SRM is implemented as Web Service Interface running under Apache Tomcat application server and Axis Web Services engine. This service starts a dCache SRM domain with a main SRM cell and a number of other cells SRM service relies on. These are SrmSpaceManager, PinManager, RemoteGsiftpCopyManager, etc. Of these services only SRM and SrmSpaceManager require special configuration.

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dCache specific concepts

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Link Groups

dCache 1.8 PoolManager supports new type of objects called LinkGroups. Each link group corresponds to a number of dCache pools in the following way: LinkGroup is a collection of the Links, each of which is a collection of the PoolGroups associated (Linked, hence a name Link) with a set of the Pool Selection Units or PSUs. Each link group knows about its available size, which is a sum of all available sizes in all the pools included in this link group. In addition link group has 5 boolean properties called replicaAllowed, outputAllowed, custodialAllowed, onlineAllowed and nearlineAllowed, the values of these properties (true or false) can be configured in PoolManager.conf.

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Space Reservations

In dCache 1.8 each SRM Space Reservation is made against the total available disk space of a particular link group. The total space in dCache that can be reserved is the sum of the available sizes of all Link Groups. If dCache is configured correctly each byte of disk space, that can be reserved, belongs to one and only one Link Group. Therefore it is important to make sure that no pool belongs to more than one pool group, no Pool Group belongs to more than one Link and no Link belongs to more than one LinkGroup.

Files written into a space made within a particular link group will end up on one of the pools referred to by this link group. The difference between the Link Group’s available space and the sum of all the current space reservation sizes is the available space in the link group.

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Explicit and Implicit Space Reservations for Data Storage in dCache

In dCache, if a space reservation is specified, the file will be stored in it (assuming the user has permission to do so in the name space).

If the reservation token is not specified, and implicit space reservation is enabled, then a space reservation will be performed implicitly for each SRM v1.1 and SRM 2.2 srmPrepareToPut or srmCopy in pull mode. If an Access Latency and a Retention Policy are specified, the user defined retention policy and default access latency. If the user has not specified Access Latency or Retention Policy (or if SRM v1.1 is used) , the system will attempt to extract special tags (not surprisingly called AccessLatency and RetentionPolicy) from PNFS namespace from the directory to which file is being written. If the tags are present, then their values will determine the default Access Latency or Retention Policy that will be used for implicit space reservations. If the tags are not present, then system wide defaults will be used. If no implicit space reservation can be made, the transfer will fail. (Note: some clients also have default values, which are used when not explicitly specified by the user. I this case server side defaults will have no effect. )

If the implicit space reservation is not enabled in dCache 1.8 the pools in the link groups will be excluded from consideration and only the remaining pools will be considered to be the candidates for storing the incoming data, and classical pool selection mechanism will be used. If the space reservation is not used and no LinkGroups are specified, the system behavior will be exactly the same as in dCache 1.7.

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Space Manager access control

When SRM Space Reservation request is executed, its parameters, such as reservation size, lifetime, access latency and retention policy as well as user’s Virtual Organization (VO) membership information is forwarded to the SRM SpaceManager.

Space Manager uses a special file for listing all the Virtual Organizations (VOs) and all the VO Roles that are permitted to make reservations in the given link group. List of the allowed VOs and VO Roles, together with the total available space and replicaAllowed, outputAllowed, custodialAllowed, onlineAllowed and nearlineAllowed properties of the group is than matched against the information from the user request in order to determine if a given space reservation can be made in particular link group. Once a space reservation is created, no access control is performed, any user can attempt to store the files in this space reservation, provided he or she knows the exact space token.