Group Photo from 18th International dCache workshop

group photo

Workshop details


Once a year dCache developers, sysadmins and friends from around the world meet to exchange news, best practices and gossip. In the past those meetings were held in beautiful cities around the world such as Amsterdam, Madrid, Taipei, Hamburg and many more. Due to the current situation, this year’s meeting was held as a video conference on the 26th/27th of May in the afternoon hours. The agenda and slides from the workshop are available on the Indico page.

Migrating to a new website engine

After almost two decades, the web content has been migrated from regular HTML pages written by hand to a modern static site generator based on hugo with the Mainroad template. This change will simplify the maintenance of the web pages and will allow developers to keep the content up-to-date. New pages and documentation can be added by simply dropping a file written in markdown format into the desired directory. The source code of the pages is available on GitHub and can be directly edited in a browser.