
News about dCache development, storage technology and life around it.


Once a year dCache developers, sysadmins and friends from around the world meet to exchange news, best practices and gossip. In the past those meetings were held in beautiful cities around the world such as Amsterdam, Madrid, Taipei, Hamburg and many more. Due to the current situation, this year’s meeting was held as a video conference on the 26th/27th of May in the afternoon hours. The agenda and slides from the workshop are available on the Indico page.

Vulnerability in PostgreSQL server

We get contacted by EGI security to comment on PostgreSQL vulnerability CVE-2022-1552. The dCache itself is not affected. Moreover, the most of the installations do not share postgresql used by dCache with other services, thus there are no other users ‘having permission to create non-temp objects’ on the same DB. Nonetheless, we encourage sites to update the postgresql servers to recommended versions at the next possible maintenance slot.

The Workshop slides are online

We hope that you enjoyed the 15 dCache international workshop as we did. Thanks a lot to the all presenters and participants for provided information, comments and discussions. There ware lot of information that you can revisit by looking at the slides that are available online.

Mini-Workshop on systemd and dCache

dCache version 6.2 comes with full systemd integration. However, this transition required a significant changes in the way how dCache is deployed and operated. On November 18, 16:00-17:00 CET we would like to invite you to a mini-workshop on systemd implementation in dCache as well as to share experience from sites that already use dCache with systemd. This will a Video meeting. The links to the connection details will be available soon.

Migrating to a new website engine

After almost two decades, the web content has been migrated from regular HTML pages written by hand to a modern static site generator based on hugo with the Mainroad template. This change will simplify the maintenance of the web pages and will allow developers to keep the content up-to-date. New pages and documentation can be added by simply dropping a file written in markdown format into the desired directory. The source code of the pages is available on GitHub and can be directly edited in a browser.

Log4j Vulnerability

A critical security vulnerability CVE-2021-44228 has been identified in the popular “Apache Log4j 2” library (2.x <= 2.15.0-rc1). This has raised concerns among many dCache admins, who have contacted us either directly or by sending a message to securityԹ Thanks for that! Log4j in dCache dCache uses logback as the default logging solution and does not distribute the Log4j library with officially released packages. It is therefore not affected. Log4j in ZooKeeper and Kafka Like many Java based projects, ZooKeeper and Apache Kafka use Log4j as their logging library.

Log4j 1.2 Vulnerability

A critical security vulnerability has been identified in the “Apache Apache Chainsaw” library. Prior to Chainsaw V2.0 Chainsaw was a component of Apache Log4j 1.2.x where the same issue exists. This has raised concerns among many dCache admins, who have contacted us either directly or by sending a message to securityԹ Thanks for that! Log4j in dCache dCache uses logback as the default logging solution and does not distribute the Log4j library with officially released packages.

dCache is 20!

On the 16th of September 2000, at the Computer User Committee at DESY, a new project, A Homogeneous Distributed Storage Environment for Physics Data Processing, was presented. Its main objectives were to address storage system concerns after HERA and Tevatron accelerator upgrades at DESY and Fermilab. The new system had the following goals: Optimized usage of existing tape drives due to transfer rate adaption. Possible usage of slower and cheaper drive technology without overall performance reduction.

19th International dCache Workshop

We are pleased to announce the 19th International dCache Workshop 2025! The workshop will be held in person from May 20 to May 21, 2025, at CC-IN2P3 in Lyon. As always, we will present upcoming developments and technologies related to dCache, as well as those influencing its ecosystem. We also welcome contributions from the community—whether you have a unique configuration, a specific user community use case, or experience with new hardware, we’d love to hear from you!
18th International dCache Workshop

18th International dCache Workshop

We are happy to announce the 18th International dCache workshop 2024 will take place from 2024-06-06 to 2024-06-07 in person and hosted by DESY-Hamburg. As usual we will present forthcoming developments and technologies, both provided by and influencing dCache. However, we are always happy to include presentations from you, especially if you have a special configuration, user community or use case, or experience with new hardware. If you have something to share with us or have an interest in a particular topic - hands up!