release notes
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1.9.12 (opt, FHS),
2.11 (FHS),
2.12 (FHS),
2.13 (FHS),
2.14 (FHS),
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The file formats of the
and the
files are similar. The file
does not contain columns 2 and 3 as these are related to the
day and not to the hour.
The file format of the
# # timestamp=1361364900897 # date=Wed Feb 20 13:55:00 CET 2013 # pool1 StoreA:GroupB@osm 21307929 10155 2466935 10155 0 925 0 0 0 0 85362 0
Format of YYYY-MM-DD-day.raw
Column Number | Column Description |
0 | Pool Name |
1 | Storage Class |
2 | Bytes stored on this pool for this storage class at beginning of day — green bar |
3 | Number of files stored on this pool for this storage class at beginning of day |
4 | Bytes stored on this pool for this storage class at this hour or end of day — red bar |
5 | Number of files stored on this pool for this storage class at this hour or end of day |
6 | Total Number of transfers (in and out, dCache-client) |
7 | Total Number of restores (HSM to dCache) |
8 | Total Number of stores (dCache to HSM) |
9 | Total Number errors |
10 | Total Number of bytes transferred from client into dCache — blue bar |
11 | Total Number of bytes transferred from dCache to clients — yellow bar |
12 | Total Number of bytes tranferred from HSM to dCache — pink bar |
13 | Total Number of bytes tranferred from dCache to HSM — orange bar |
files do not contain line 2 and 3.