The lcg_util
contains many small command line applications which interact
with SRM
implementations, these where developed
independently from dCache and provided by the
LCG grid computing effort.
Each command line application operates on a different method
of the SRM
interface. These applications where not designed
for normal use but to provide components upon which operations
can be built.
lcg-gt queries the BDII information server. This adds an additional requirement that the BDII information server can be found by lcg-gt, please only attempt to contact servers found on your user interface using.
[user] $
lcg-infosites --vo dteam se
provides a protocol negotiating interface, and returns
a TURL (transfer URL). The protocol specified by the
client will be returned by the server if the server supports
the requested protocol.
To read a file from dCache using lcg-gt
you must specify two parameters the SURL (storage URL),
and the protcol (GSIdCap
) you wish to use to
access the file.
[user] $
lcg-gt srm://srm-door.example.org/pnfs/example.org/data/dteam/group gsidcap
gsidcap://gsidcap-door.example.org:22128/pnfs/example.org/data/dteam/group -2147365977 -2147365976
Each of the above three lines contains different information. These are explained below.
is the transfer URL (TURL).
is the SRM
, Please note that it is a negative number in
this example, which is allowed by the specification.
is the Unique identifier for
the file with respect to the Request
. Please note that with this example this is a
negative number.
Remember to return your Request Id
dCache limits the number of Request
s a user may have. All Request
s should be returned to dCache using the
command lcg-sd.
If you use lcg-gt to request a file with
a protocol that is not supported by dCache the command
will block for some time as dCache’s SRM
interface times
out after approximately 10 minutes.
This command should be used to return any TURLs given by
dCache’s SRM
interface. This is because dCache
provides a limited number of TURLs available concurrently.
lcg-sd takes four parameters: the SURL,
the Request Id
, the File
with respect to the Request
, and the direction of data transfer.
The following example is to complete the get operation, the values are taken form the above example of lcg-gt.
[user] $
lcg-sd srm://srm-door.example.org:22128/pnfs/example.org/data/dteam/group " -2147365977" " -2147365976" 0
Negative numbers
dCache returns negative numbers for Request
and File Id
. Please note
that lcg-sd requires that these values
are places in double-quotes with a single space before the
The Request Id
is one of the values
returned by the lcg-gt command. In this
example, the value (-2147365977
) comes
from the above example lcg-gt.
The File Id
is also one of the values
returned returned by the lcg-gt command.
In this example, the value (-2147365976
comes from the above example lcg-gt.
The direction parameter indicates in which direction data
was transferred: 0
for reading data and
for writing data.