dCache provides a series of clients one of which is the
client which supports a large number operations, but is
just one Java application, the script name is sent to the Java
applications command line to invoke each operation.
This page just shows the scripts command line and not the invocation of the Java application directly.
srmmkdir [[command line options]] [<srmUrl>]
The following example creates the directory /pnfs/example.org/data/dteam/myDir
[user] $
srmmkdir srm://srm-door.example.org:8443/pnfs/example.org/data/dteam/myDir
srmrm [[command line options]] [<srmUrl> ...]
[user] $
srmrm srm://srm-door.example.org:8443/pnfs/example.org/data/dteam/myDir/myFile
It is allowed to remove only empty directories as well as trees of empty directories.
srmrmdir [command line options] [<srmUrl>]
[user] $
srmrmdir srm://srm-door.example.org:8443/pnfs/example.org/data/dteam/myDir
[user] $
srmrmdir -recursive=true srm://srm-door.example.org:8443/pnfs/example.org/data/dteam/myDir
srmcp [command line options] <source>... [<destination>]
srmcp [command line options] [-copyjobfile] <file>
[user] $
srmcp -webservice_protocol=http \ file://///etc/group \ srm://srm-door.example.org:8443/pnfs/example.org/data/dteam/test_Srm.clinton.501.32050.20070907153055.0
[user] $
srmcp -webservice_protocol=http \ srm://srm-door.example.org:8443/pnfs/example.org/data/dteam/test_Srm.clinton.501.32050.20070907153055.0 \ file://///tmp/testfile1 -streams_num=1
The srmping command will tell you the version of dCache. This only works for authorized users and not just authenticated users.
[user] $
srmping -2 srm://srm-door.example.org:8443/pnfs
WARNING: SRM_PATH is defined, which might cause a wrong version of srm client to be executed WARNING: SRM_PATH=/opt/d-cache/srm VersionInfo : v2.2 backend_type:dCache backend_version:production-1-9-1-11
Space token support must be set up and reserving space
with the admin interface this is also documented in the SRM
section and in
dCache wiki.
get-space-tokens [command line options] [<srmUrl>]
Example 20.1. surveying the space tokens available in a directory.
[user] $
srm-get-space-tokens srm://srm-door.example.org:8443/pnfs/example.org/data/dteam -srm_protocol_version=2
A successful result:
return status code : SRM_SUCCESS return status expl. : OK Space Reservation Tokens: 148241 148311 148317 28839 148253 148227 148229 148289 148231 148352
Example 20.2. Listing the space tokens for a SRM
[user] $
srm-get-space-tokens srm://srm-door.example.org:8443
Space Reservation Tokens: 145614 145615 144248 144249 25099 145585 145607 28839 145589
srm-reserve-space [[command line options]] [<srmUrl>]
[user] $
srm-reserve-space \ -desired_size 2000 \ -srm_protocol_version=2 \ -retention_policy=REPLICA \ -access_latency=ONLINE \ -guaranteed_size 1024 \ -lifetime 36000 \ srm://srm-door.example.org:8443/pnfs/example.org/data/dteam
A successful result:
Space token =144573
A typical failure
SRMClientV2 : srmStatusOfReserveSpaceRequest , contacting service httpg://srm-door.example.org:8443/srm/managerv2 status: code=SRM_NO_FREE_SPACE explanantion= at Thu Nov 08 15:29:44 CET 2007 state Failed : no space available lifetime = null access latency = ONLINE retention policy = REPLICA guaranteed size = null total size = 34
Also you can get info for this space token
[user] $
srm-get-space-metadata srm://srm-door.example.org:8443/pnfs/example.org/data/dteam -space_tokens=144573
Possible result:
Space Reservation with token=120047 owner:VoGroup=/dteam VoRole=NULL totalSize:1024 guaranteedSize:1024 unusedSize:1024 lifetimeAssigned:36000 lifetimeLeft:25071 accessLatency:ONLINE retentionPolicy:REPLICA
Usage: srmcp [command line options] source(s) destination
[user] $
srmcp -protocols=gsiftp -space_token=144573 \ file://///home/user/path/to/myFile \ srm://srm-door.example.org:8443/pnfs/example.org/data/dteam/myFile
[user] $
srmcp -protocols=gsiftp -space_token=144573 \ file://///home/user/path/to/myFile1 \ file://///home/user/path/to/myFile2 \ srm://srm-door.example.org:8443/pnfs/example.org/data/dteam
Users can get the metadata available for the space, but the ability to query the metadata of a space reservation may be restricted so that only certain users can obtain this information.
[user] $
srm-get-space-metadata srm://srm-door.example.org:8443/pnfs/example.org/data/dteam -space_tokens=120049 WARNING: SRM_PATH is defined, which might cause a wrong version of srm client to be executed WARNING: SRM_PATH=/opt/d-cache/srm
Space Reservation with token=120049 owner:VoGroup=/dteam VoRole=NULL totalSize:1024 guaranteedSize:1024 unusedSize:1024 lifetimeAssigned:36000 lifetimeLeft:30204 accessLatency:ONLINE retentionPolicy:REPLICA
Removes a space token from the SRM
[user] $
srm-release-space srm://srm-door.example.org:8443 -space_token=15
version 2.2 has a much richer set of file listing
srmls [command line options] <srmUrl>...
Example 20.3. Using srmls -l
[user] $
srmls srm://srm-door.example.org:8443/pnfs/example.org/data/dteam/testdir -2
0 /pnfs/example.org/data/dteam/testdir/ 31 /pnfs/example.org/data/dteam/testdir/testFile1 31 /pnfs/example.org/data/dteam/testdir/testFile2 31 /pnfs/example.org/data/dteam/testdir/testFile3 31 /pnfs/example.org/data/dteam/testdir/testFile4 31 /pnfs/example.org/data/dteam/testdir/testFile5
The -l
option results in
srmls providing additional
information. Collecting this additional information may
result in a dramatic increase in execution time.
Example 20.4. Using srmls -l
[user] $
srmls -l srm://srm-door.example.org:8443/pnfs/example.org/data/dteam/testdir -2
0 /pnfs/example.org/data/dteam/testdir/ storage type:PERMANENT retention policy:CUSTODIAL access latency:NEARLINE locality:NEARLINE locality: null UserPermission: uid=18118 PermissionsRWX GroupPermission: gid=2688 PermissionsRWX WorldPermission: RX created at:2007/10/31 16:16:32 modified at:2007/11/08 18:03:39 - Assigned lifetime (in seconds): -1 - Lifetime left (in seconds): -1 - Original SURL: /pnfs/example.org/data/dteam/testdir - Status: null - Type: DIRECTORY 31 /pnfs/example.org/data/dteam/testdir/testFile1 storage type:PERMANENT retention policy:CUSTODIAL access latency:NEARLINE locality:NEARLINE - Checksum value: 84d007af - Checksum type: adler32 UserPermission: uid=18118 PermissionsRW GroupPermission: gid=2688 PermissionsR WorldPermission: R created at:2007/11/08 15:47:13 modified at:2007/11/08 15:47:13 - Assigned lifetime (in seconds): -1 - Lifetime left (in seconds): -1 - Original SURL: /pnfs/example.org/data/dteam/testdir/testFile1 - Status: null - Type: FILE
If you have more than 1000 entries in your directory then dCache will return only the first 1000. To view directories with more than 1000 entries, please use the following parameters:
srmls parameters
- -count=<integer>
The number of entries to report.
- -offset=<integer>
Example 20.5. Limited directory listing
The first command shows the output without specifying
or -offset
Since the directory contains less than 1000 entries, all
entries are listed.
[user] $
srmls srm://srm-door.example.org:8443/pnfs/example.org/data/dteam/dir1 \ srm://srm-door.example.org:8443/pnfs/example.org/data/dteam/dir2
0 /pnfs/example.org/data/dteam/dir1/ 31 /pnfs/example.org/data/dteam/dir1/myFile1 28 /pnfs/example.org/data/dteam/dir1/myFile2 47 /pnfs/example.org/data/dteam/dir1/myFile3 0 /pnfs/example.org/data/dteam/dir2/ 25 /pnfs/example.org/data/dteam/dir2/fileA 59 /pnfs/example.org/data/dteam/dir2/fileB
The following examples shows the result when using the
option to listing the first
three entries.
[user] $
srmls -count=3 srm://srm-door.example.org:8443/pnfs/example.org/data/dteam/testdir -srm_protocol_version=2
0 /pnfs/example.org/data/dteam/testdir/ 31 /pnfs/example.org/data/dteam/testdir/testFile1 31 /pnfs/example.org/data/dteam/testdir/testFile2 31 /pnfs/example.org/data/dteam/testdir/testFile3
In the next command, the -offset
is used to view a different set of entries.
[user] $
srmls -count=3 -offset=1 srm://srm-door.example.org:8443/pnfs/example.org/data/dteam/testdir -srm_protocol_version=2
0 /pnfs/example.org/data/dteam/testdir/ 31 /pnfs/example.org/data/dteam/testdir/testFile2 31 /pnfs/example.org/data/dteam/testdir/testFile3 31 /pnfs/example.org/data/dteam/testdir/testFile4