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cm ls
cm ls — List information about the pools in the cost module cache.
cm ls
[-r] [-d] [-s] [<fileSize>]
- -r
Also list the tags, the space cost, and performance cost as calculated by the cost module for a file of size <fileSize> (or zero)
- -d
Also list the space cost and performance cost as calculated by the cost module for a file of size <fileSize> (or zero)
- -t
Also list the time since the last update of the cached information in milliseconds.
A typical output reads
(PoolManager) admin >
cm ls -r -d -t 12312434442
<poolName1>={R={a=0;m=2;q=0};S={a=0;m=2;q=0};M={a=0;m=100;q=0};PS={a=0;m=20;q=0};PC={a=0;m=20;q=0}; (...line continues...) SP={t=2147483648;f=924711076;p=1222772572;r=0;lru=0;{g=20000000;b=0.5}}} <poolName1>={Tag={{hostname=<hostname>}};size=543543543;SC=1.7633947200606475;CC=0.0;} <poolName1>=3180 <poolName2>={R={a=0;m=2;q=0};S={a=0;m=2;q=0};M={a=0;m=100;q=0};PS={a=0;m=20;q=0};PC={a=0;m=20;q=0}; (...line continues...) SP={t=2147483648;f=2147483648;p=0;r=0;lru=0;{g=4294967296;b=250.0}}} <poolName2>={Tag={{hostname=<hostname>}};size=543543543;SC=0.0030372862312942743;CC=0.0;} <poolName2>=3157