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Using Direct Calls of gPlazma Methods

Cells may also call gPlazma methods as an alternative, or as a fallback, to using the gPlazma cell.

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Operation without a gPlazma Cell

If the gPlazma cell is not started, other cells can still authorize by calling gPlazma methods directly from a pluggable module. The gPlazma control files and host certificates are needed on the node from which authorization will take place. To invoke the gPlazma modules, modify the following line in gridftpdoorSetup or srmSetup to


and make sure that the gplazmaPolicy line defines a valid gPlazma policy file on the node for which authorization is to occur:


No adjustable timeout is available, but any blocking would likely be due to a socket read in the saml-vo-mapping plugin, which is circumvented by a built-in 30-second timeout.

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Using a gPlazma Cell with a Direct-Call Fallback

Both a call to the gPlazma cell and the direct call of the gPlazma module may be specified. In that case, authentication will first be tried via the gPlazma cell, and if that does not succeed, authentication by direct invocation of gPlazma methods will be tried. Modify the following lines to:


Make sure that the line for gplazmaPolicy


set to a local policy file on the node. The gPlazma policy file on the GridFTP door or SRM does not have to specify the same plugins as the gPlazma cell.