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The Setup Files

Changes to Setup files require a restart of the cell.

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The gPlazmaSetup File

This file will normally be a link to ${ourHomeDir}/config/dCacheSetup. The section of the file which controls the operation of the cell is as follows:

# gPlazmaNumberOfSimutaneousRequests  30
# gPlazmaRequestTimeout               30
# useGPlazmaAuthorizationModule=false
# useGPlazmaAuthorizationCell=true

The first line defines the path to the gPlazma policy file. It is set to the default location of the policy file. If the path to the gPlazma policy file changes, enter the full path in the above line.

The variable gPlazmaNumberOfSimutaneousRequests determines the number of threads which will be started on the gPlazma cell to handle requests. The default value should be sufficient, but may be raised or lowered depending on the capacity of the hardware and other processes running on it.

The variable gPlazmaRequestTimeout is the amount of time in seconds that a request thread has to finish an authorization decision. If this time is exceeded, authorization is denied.

The next two variables are not used by gPlazma, but by GridFTP door and SRM. Their description follows.

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The gridftpdoorSetup and srmSetup Files

Thes two files will normally be links to ${ourHomeDir}/config/dCacheSetup. The lines of interest for gPlazma are



# useGPlazmaAuthorizationModule=false
# useGPlazmaAuthorizationCell=true

The latter two lines control whether the GridFTP door or SRM will authorize locally, or use the gPlazma for authorization. The default is to use the gPlazma cell for authorization. If both values are set to false, the GridFTP door or SRM will use the dcache.kpwd lookup method. A dcache.kpwd file must be present on the GridFTP door or SRM node in that case. It is possible to use gPlazma methods on the GridFTP door or SRM without calling the gPlazma cell. See the following section.