The statistics module collects parts of its information in
memory of cells within the httpDomain
and the
. Consequently this information is lost if one
or all of those components are restarted. As a result, the day
statistics may be significantly wrong if the restart happens
at the end of the day. We hope to overcome this problem with
1.6.7 and higher.
Moreover, because the module can only add up pool space for those pools which are up during the inquery phase, disk space of pools which are down during that time is not counted.
Create a file in the dCache config directory with the following content:
set printout default 2 set printout CellGlue none onerror shutdown # check -strong setupFile # copy file:${setupFile} context:setupContext # import the variables into our $context. # don't overwrite already existing variables. # import context -c setupContext # # Make sure we got what we need. # check -strong serviceLocatorHost serviceLocatorPort check -strong statistics create RoutingMgr create lm \ "${serviceLocatorHost} ${serviceLocatorPort}" create PoolStatistics \ "${statistics} \ -export \ # -create \ # -htmlBase=${statistics} \ -domain=${thisFqHostname}"
The name of the file should be
. Switch to the dCache jobs
directory and run
[root] #
Ignore possible error messages. All necessary links will be created.
Find a local disk area with sufficient space available to store the statistics data. The subdirectory should be empty and will be subsequently called (/<StatBase>).
Add the following line to the context
section of the
set alias statistics directory /<StatBase>
Add the following line to the
Make sure there is no other statistics=..
Edit the file
: At two
locations within this file, the statistics link is commented
out. Undo this.
The statistics link has to be called
. Make sure the
trailing /
(slash) is present. This is
not correcty done in the
Finally restart the httpd
and start the
statistics module
[root] #
cd /opt/d-cache/jobs
[root] #
./httpd stop
[root] #
./httpd start
[root] #
./statistics start
Statistics is calculated once per hour at
<HH>:55. The daily stuff is
calculated at 23:55. Without manual intervention, it takes
two midnights before all html statistics pages are available.
There is a way to get this done after just one midnight. After
the first midnight following the first startup of the
statistics module, log into the
cell and run the following
commands in the given sequence. The specified date has to be
the Year/Month/Day of today
create html <Year> <Month> <Day> create html <Year> <Month> create html <Year> create html Example (assuming today is April,11 2006) create html 2006 04 11 create html 2006 04 create html 2006 create html
The statistics URL is
(Don’t forget the trailing slash)