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Part III. Cookbook

This part contains guides for specific tasks a system administrator might want to perform.

Table of Contents

20. dCache Clients.
Listing a directory
Checking a file exists
Deleting files
Copying files
Using the dCache client interposition library.
Creating a new directory.
Removing files from dCache
Removing empty directories from dCache
srmcp for SRM v1
srmcp for SRM v2.2
Using the LCG commands with dCache
The lcg-gt Application
The lcg-sd Application
21. Pool Operations
How to configure checksum calculation
Migration Module
Overview and Terminology
Command Summary
Renaming a Pool
Pinning Files to a Pool
22. PostgreSQL and dCache
Installing a PostgreSQL Server
Configuring Access to PostgreSQL
Performance of the PostgreSQL Server
23. Complex Network Configuration
Firewall Configuration
The dCap Protocol
The GSIdCap Protocol
The GridFTP Protocol
The SRM Protocol
Pool Selection
Protocol Overview
GridFTP Connections via two or more Network Interfaces
GridFTP with Pools in a Private Subnet
Doors in the DMZ
24. Accounting
25. Protocols
dCap options mover and client options
TCP send/recv buffer sizes from the servers point of view
TCP send/recv buffer sizes from the dCap clients point of view
Specifying dCap open timeouts
Using the dCap protocol for strict file checking
Passive dCap
Preparing the server for dCap passive transfer
Switching the dCap library resp. dccp to PASSIVE
Access to SRM and GridFTP server from behind a firewall
Access with srmcp
Access with globus-url-copy
Disableing unauthenticated dCap via SRM
26. Advanced Tuning
Multiple Queues for Movers in each Pool
Tunable Properties for Multiple Queues
Tunable Properties